Fundraising Update May/June 2024

I would like to thank all donors for the doantions I've got until yet.

I’m in constant contact with the Kundiawa Hospital and assure you that every single donations is highly appreciated. The CEO himself has sent and will send a Letter Appreciation to every donor, no matter if the donation is small or great. It's the thought that counts, and nothing else.

Please - don't stopp donating. The Kundiawa Hospital needs the Drinkwater unit from Water Source Australia

The whole amount of the donations is exclusively for the drinkwater water unit, and not for any campaigns with suffering children in TV spots, newspaper adverts….

The GoFundMe Platform automatically generates a donation certificate, which could be used for the tax declaration.

The CEO of the Kundiawa Hospital will send a letter of Appreciation to the donors, of those I’m having the email adress.

Please help the people  with your donation: gofundme

In the name of  Kundiawa Hospital - Thank you!

Fundraising Update March 2024

Please - don't stopp donating. The kundiawa Hospital needs the Drinkwater unit from Water Source Australia

The whole amount of the donations is exclusively for the drinkwater water unit, and not for any campaigns with suffering children in TV spots, newspaper adverts….

The GoFundMe Platform automatically generates a donation certificate, which could be used for the tax declaration.

The Kundiawa Hospital will send a letter of Appreciation to the donors, of those I’m having the email adress.

Please help the people  with your donation: gofundme

Thank you!

Fundraising Update January 2024

I would like to thank the donors who are already donated. The Kundiawa Hospital is amazed about the donations.

The whole amount of the donation is exclusively for the drinkwater water unit, and not for any campaigns with suffering children in tv spots, newspaper adverts….

The GoFundMe Platform automatically generates a donation certificate, which could be used for your tax declaration.

The Kundiawa Hospital will send a letter of Appreciation to the donors, of those I’m having the email adress.

Please help the people  with your donation: gofundme

Thank you!

Fundraising for Kundiawa Hospital


I would like to thank thr donors who are lredy donated. The Kunsiawa Hospital is amazed about the dontion.

With your donation  people will get access to safe and clean drinking water with a unit from Water Source Australia

Please help the people  with your donation: gofundme or by the QR Code GoFundMe 

The GoFundMe Platform automatically generates a donation certificate, which could be used for your tax declaration.

The Kundiawa Hospital will send a letter of Appreciation to the donors, of those I'm having the email adress.

Thank you!

The Fundraising for Kundiawa Hospital started

The fundraising for Kundiawa Hospital has started. With your donation I'll be able helping people getting access to safe and clean drinking water with a unit from Water Source Australia

Please help the people getting access to safe and clean drinking water with your donation: gofundme or by the QR Code GoFundMe 

The GoFundMe Platform automatically generates a donation certificate, which could be used for your tax declaration.

The Kundiawa Hospital will send a letter of Appreciation to the donors, of those I'm having the email adress.

Thank you!

Drinkwater Project Kundiawa Hospital May 2023

Acutally we're close to start the Crowfunding for the Drinkwater Unit from Water Source Australia. At the moment the hospital driver has to get down to the valley pumping water into a tank  and driving back to hospital. This is actually their drinkwater!

Kundiawa Hospital PNG

The Drinkwater Project goes on at Kundiawa Hospital PNG.

In December 2022 while looking for a Company which is producing Drinkwater units I've found Water Source Australia-> Water Source Australia. A Foundation which already is successful in Drinkwater Projects, working with Australian Aid  and looking, like me, for a cooperation.

The technology is up to date and working with IoT (Internt of Things). I've send an email to the CEO MArk Cambell who imedieately responded. We'd decided having a virtual meeting with Des Soares. During the meeting Des said that there is a hospital in need of clean drinking water - Kundiawa Hospital. He was there with PIOA -> News PIOA 

For starting the project we'll need about 15'000 USD - which would be only by crowd funding available.  If we are able to proceed successful there will be a good chance that we are having a cooperation helping Hospital on PNG getting clean drinking water.

I've send an email to the Hospital Management but haven't got an answer till yet.I will call them.


Update Buka Hospital November 2022

In October we had a Zoom meeting with the Swiss Embassy in Canberra, Ms Trunz of Swiss water Foundation, Mr. John Nell, a Representative of Trunz Water Systems in Australia and of course me.

Ms Trunz explained that the Donation from the Swiss Embassy for Buka Hospital, made in 2020, doesn’t cover the actual cost of now about 25’000 CHF.

Out of this reason, the project Buka Hospital must be cancelled by Swiss Water Foundation and a new location must be found.

Mr. Nell mentioned that a Hospital on Vanuatu would be good.

The Swiss Ambassador commissioned Ms Trunz to call the Buka Hospital Manager informing him about the decision and sending an e-mail afterwards with the full explanation.