Gizo Hospital - Update


Due to the fact that all reserve material to the TWM1 was burned in the fire, the Swiss Trunz technician installing the equipment at Kilu'ufi Hospital takes all material from Switzerland. he will work with a technician from Auki (Malaita) to re-commission the plant, train the staff and introduce the local technician as the local contact. This will ensure local support.


Today I received a very encouraging email from Chris Leve, the Head Infection Control at Gizo Hospital.

Chris writes that the drinking water facility is fully utilized by patients and staff. Diarrheal diseases have decreased, which is certainly related to the clean drinking water.

Less pleasant is that the fire of the old hospital destroyed everything - the old buildings, in which were the administration, Chris office, and the hospital pharmacy - all burned down completely. there is nothing left except a few pieces of sheet metal - that is bitter!

All documents relating to Infection Control, whether electronic or paper, have been destroyed. Chris has started to recreate everything - a huge mosaic needs to be put back together.



Since Saturday, 09 July 2016, Gizo Hospital has a functioning Trunz drinking water system. The joy about this is immeasurable in the hospital and on Gizo.

Here are a few impressions of the plant:

Details on how the system works can be found here: TWM_001 and here: E_Facts TWM 001 Whereby it must be noted that the system initially works WITHOUT solar panel. That would have exceeded the donation's budget.

I thank everyone who believed in me and the project. I would like to thank the patrons, without whose donations the project could not have been realized.

AND - I thank John Nell, Andrea Trunz and the staff at Gizo Hospital for their tireless efforts and support to make this project a reality.

We are now able to continue with the project on the Solomon Islands and, thanks to further donations, install drinking water systems in hospitals.

If you would like to know more about the other planned drinking water projects in the Solomon Islands and about possible donations, please contact Petra Breiting - the author of this blog - by mail:

Soraya Pina Hospital Secretary Gizo Hospital has written that they are very proud to be the only hospital in the Solomon Islands with the Trunz facility.

Original text:"It makes us proud because we the only hospital in the country that has it, See attached photo of the taps".


The St. Galler Tagblatt has published an article about the drinking water project read more here in the St. Galler Tagblatt

Information about Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands, or Solomon Islands, is one of the larger island nations in the South Pacific and is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who is represented in the Solomon Islands by a governor general.

More information at Wikipedia.

Trunz Water Systems AG Switzerland

The company Trunz Water Systems AG from Steinach /SG has developed a technology that makes it possible to filter clean drinking water from salt water, brackish water or even well water. Trunz Water Systems AG has developed the appropriate solar technology to be able to use this system worldwide, i.e. in areas affected by natural disasters, in areas where UN troops are deployed, or in areas with water shortage. The devices are mostly independent of electricity or diesel generators

Information about Trunz Water Systems AG

In these photos (by John Nell, Trunz Sustainable Water Systems Australia) from Fiji, a "survival kit" can be seen. This device, no bigger than a suitcase and equipped with a solar panel, filters salt water into drinking water. Various civil defense and relief organizations have this device in use.

Information about the Brackish Water System of Trunz Water Systems AG

Munda - Helena Goldie Hospital


An article on Helena Goldie Hospital appeared in The Island Sun News on Dec. 20, 2016, reporting that there is a new drinking water facility. Read more here: the-island-sun_20-12-2016

Helena Goldie Hospital on Munda is only a 15-minute flight from Gizo.

This link provides all the important information about Munda and the hospital: Helen Goldie Hospital

John Sasabule, Manager Helena Goldie Hospital was very pleased to have me meet with him.

He reported that the mission hardly takes care of the hospital and gives almost no money to it.

In return, the Taiwanese Fisheries Society supports the hospital with generous financial resources.

The first thing he wanted to know was everything about the drinking water project. I had all the info on it with me and was able to explain to him what was being installed on Gizo. John told me that's exactly what we need too! We have water tanks and a spring. AND..., we can afford the device from our own funds - that totally surprised me. John explained to me that he is the accountant and project manager for the hospital. He plans wisely and far ahead, so that the financial resources are always sufficient.

The hospital was already converted to solar energy some time ago, thanks to John, so that there is no longer any dependence on the municipal energy supply. It also allows thousands of dollars to be saved and used elsewhere. The Trunz system can thus be operated with solar energy.

The outpatient clinic is being rebuilt this year, as the old building has already been badly affected by termites and is no longer safe. An architect has already drawn up the construction plan.

In the Femal Ward, a new toilet-shower wing was built thanks to the money from the Taiwanese Fisheries Society. With the stipulation that the tract be kept neat and clean at all times, the same new unit would then be built in Male Ward. That's great motivation, John said. All are anxious to comply with the requirement.

John Sasabule is also proud of his VIP Ward. For this purpose, he has moved out the administration and set up small self-contained aapartments. Patients and relatives who come from far away can be accommodated here. That costs "of course" really big money, John said.

Finally, John proudly showed me the two ambulance boats - yes, exactly boats. To fetch/rescue patients, there is only the sea route. The same applies to transfers in Gizo Hospital.

I am honestly totally pleasantly surprised by the Helena Goldie Hospital! Never, ever would I have thought that so much would be tackled there, planned in detail (including financially) and executed.

It is worth continuing to stay in touch with John Sasabule.


Unity Chruch Mission purchased a drinking water system for Helena Goldie Hospital analogous to that for Gizo Hospital. I spoke to John Sasabule on the phone this morning and he told me everyone is overjoyed to have pure drinking water soon.

The plant will also be installed and commissioned in June 2016

30.05.2016 Phone call with John Nell

John told me on the phone this morning that he had to go through some red tape before he finally got the OK for Gizo.

This inevitably delays the delivery of the TWM1 for Munda. Meanwhile, both Trunz plants for Munda and Gizo are on a cargo ship en route from Honiara to Munda and Gizo.


According to John Nell, the TWM1 plant from Trunz will arrive at the same time as the one for Gizo. John Nell will install the system and then officially commission it. For the people of Munda, this will finally be the longed-for solution for pure drinking water.

Information on the Solomon Islands earthquake

Many have heard/read in the media about the earthquake on 8/12/9/2016 that affected the Solomon Islands. a tsunami warning was declared and later withdrawn.

The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. Already on Dec. 9, 2016, the Solomon Islands Red Cross ensured that relief supplies were delivered to the affected regions. Despite all this, many buildings were partially or completely destroyed. a child was killed.

The hardest hit island is Kirakira, read the report in the Solomon Star:Solomon Star Kirakira

Read more about the earthquake here:Report Solomon Star

The epicenter is shown on the map


Drinking water shortage in the north of the Solomon Islands

In the north of the Solomon Islands there is a terrible drought due to El Niño. The Western Provinces are particularly affected, namely Gizo Island with the second largest hospital (150 beds) in the Solomon Islands.

Read ABC Australia 's article on this, as well as all the updated articles on the individual hospitals.

Honiara - National Referral Hospital

The National Referral Hospital or NRH is the largest hospital in the Solomon Islands with 350 beds.

Thanks to Dr. Hermann Oberli, who brought primary care and traumatology up to date some 20 years ago, all residents of the Solomon Islands benefit from him.

Dr. Oberli is a very respected physician - both in the Solomon Islands and in Switzerland.

For many years, Dr. Oberli has trained physicians in the Solomon Islands together with international surgeons, gynecologists, orthopedists and traumatologists.

Read more here Hermann Oberli Project South Pacific

On 10.02.2016, Dr. Oberli told me on the phone that the entire OR wing at NRH is closed - and has been for some time! The reason for this is that the roof is leaking so badly that it is in danger of collapsing. Already last year, attention was drawn to this deplorable state of affairs, but apart from packing paper being stuffed into the holes by the doctors, nothing was done. Or rather, no one felt responsible. The consequence of this is the closed surgical wing. Patients can neither receive regular nor emergency surgical care.A disaster! Dr. Oberli is very angry about this. Read the article in the newspaper Solomon Star

Dr. Oberli sent a letter to the editor, which was published in the Freiburger Nachrichten, to the Solomon Star.

Read here the whole letter to the editor - article Dr. Oberli

On 05.04.2016 an article appeared in the Solomon Star that the "repair work" on the roof of the surgery department was more than poorly executed. An Australian medical team that was supposed to come to Honiara for life-saving operations had to postpone the operations indefinitely - an absolute catastrophe for the population!!!! Especially since a businessman had offered to have all repairs including the material done at his expense. The offer was rejected by the hospital management, they would have concluded a contract with a local company.....Read more here Article Solomon Star from 05.04.2016

When I spoke to Dr. Des Soares on the phone on 05/04/2016, he also told me about this - he is horrified by it. Even for him, who regularly flies to Honiara to train doctors, this is an untenable situation.

I hope and wish that this will be remedied quickly - all international aid organizations are in Honiara and none of them, for whatever reason, sees itself in a position to intervene and have the people treated by medical teams.

The Australian organization RAMSI has its own team of doctors and nurses who are always on site for the RAMSI teams (including a mobile treatment container) - BUT, this team of doctors and nurses is officially NOT allowed to treat local patients. There is no order for this.... Of course, the doctors are still at NRH and support the doctors there. But - it can not be operated.


The government realized that the hospital could not go on like this and contracted land for a NEW hospital first. Read more about it here in the Solomon Star. I think Dr. Oberli's intervention has awakened some....


In early June, Dr. Des Soares was at NRH with other orthopedic surgeons from Australia to train physicians in spine surgery. Read more about it report Solomon Star

Gizo Hospital Update

On 12.1.16 I had my conversation with Dr. Gegory Jilini regarding the drinking water project.

He is still very fond of the fact that there are private donors for the drinking water plant. He sees this as a great help for the population and, of course, the patients.

What surprised me a lot is the fact that the old hospital is still in operation. The Wards are totally dilapidated, run down, basically unusable.

The reason is that when the new hospital was built, the administrative area was not taken into account.

Doctors and nurses pointed out to me that there are no toilets and showers for outpatients in the area of the entire first floor where the emergency room, laboratory, outpatient departments and the X-ray department are located. These rooms are located on the top floor. Currently, there is a severe epidemic of diarrhea here on Gizo - and if the patients have to walk through the entire hospital to the toilet and shower - it is only a short transmission path to "healthy" people. Although the epidemic is on the wane, action is still needed.

Anyway, Dr. Jilini will discuss with John Nell the details for the installation so we can move forward with the project. And so, of course, further diarrhea can be prevented.

In addition, Dr. Jilini is reassured that I will inform Koji Yamaguchi at the Japanese Embassy on 1/20/16 about the project, after all, the Japanese government would have built the new hospital.

On 13.01.2016 Dr. Jilini informed the cadre staff in Gizo Hospital about the installation of Trunz - TWM1 - system. Everyone is relieved that relief is coming soon.

As already reported in the amount to the conversation in the Japanese Embassy, Koji Yamaguchi wants Chris Leve to work in the Grass-Root project.

Chris has the first conversation with Koji Yamaguchi in Honiara at the Japanese Embassy on Jan. 26, 2016.

Gregory Jilini is delighted that an employee of "his" hospital has been appointed.

On 3/14/2016, I received an e-mail from Chris Leve reporting that he personally submitted a plan to the Japanese Embassy for the restrooms and showers in the emergency area. The toilets are installed. Finally, a ray of hope for hospital staff and especially for outpatients.

Remember my roundup email where I tell you Chris and I made soap? Chris reports in his mail that they now make the soap for the hospital and the patients themselves - that makes me very happy. Another small success in infection prophylaxis.

I sent Chris Leve an e-mail with the project plan and project schedule, as there are some tasks in it for him. Precisely because he has now completed further training in infection prophylaxis and hospital hygiene at the Ministry of Health in Honaira, he can apply this know-how in the preparations for the Trunz drinking water plant.


Read the info on "The countdown is on". This gives you a quick overview of the progress. According to John Nell of Trunz Water Systems AG, installation and commissioning of the TWM1 is scheduled to take place during the 2nd week of July.

News about the drinking water project

Not even 2 weeks have passed and already there is more news to report.

Die Non Profit Organisation DAISI® = Doctors Assisting In Solomon Islands ist dermassen von dem Trinkwasserprojekt überzeugt, dass sie auf ihrer Webseite über das Trinkwasserprojekt berichten. In addition, they really wanted me to be a member of the organization - I was very happy to agree.

On 05.04.2016, Dr. Des Soares told me on the phone that he is now a member of DAISI®. He was approached and was very happy to agree. With Des Soares, DAISI® gains a highly qualified orthopedic specialist who trains doctors in collaboration with Dr. Hermann Obleri in Honiara.

Drinking water project

The implementation of the project continues to make huge progress. John Nell from Trunz Sustainable Water Systems Australia was in the Solomon Islands for 10 days in March and of course also in Gizo. Thanks to the fact that Des Soares was in Honiara at the same time, he was able to set up everything essential with John. I'm too far away for that.

The system TWM1 will be installed in the new hospital - details about the system you can read here TWM1

In order for the system to be used reasonably, 4-5 water pipes with the corresponding taps are connected to the system. This way, hospital staff, patients, relatives and also the residents of Gizo can get pure, clean drinking water.

In the basement of the hospital is a very large room where several, so-called water bubbles with a total capacity of 1 million liters of water will be installed. These "bubbles" can supply the hospital with fresh water - via the TWM1 device - for 10 days in an emergency situation.

Another step is that around the hospital water tanks with a capacity of 20,000 L are filled with water from the hospital kitchen, and then also get pure drinking water through the device.

There is also 1 fresh water source with a water pipe but no tap at the prison, which is right next to the old hospital. Without a tap, the spring water now just flows into the sea. With a tank that collects the water, even the village can be supplied with fresh water.

An example of how it was solved in another place. To the left of the orange water tank is the TWM1 unit. A water tank at the right edge of the picture.


On March 11, 2016, John Nell wrote in an email that the TWM1 plant can be commissioned in mid to late April 2016 at the latest.

1. a suitable place for the TWM1 system could be found on the first floor of the hospital
2. stainless steel faucets and pipes are currently being manufactured at a local company. John Nell will take these to Gizo in April.
3. the TWM1 plant will be sent by air to Honiara in April and then by ship to Gizo.
4. the TWM1 system will be installed and commissioned in mid - to late April.

On 04.04.2016 Mrs. Andrea Trunz wrote in a mail that the schedule can be kept for the most part.

(...)John informed me that he will get the info / order out to us early next week. My colleague in the office will then follow up on the settlement and keep me informed.

On the same day(night of 4/5/2016 ) I received an email from John Nell defining the next goals so I can adjust the schedule:

1. stainless water basins and faucets for the plant are completed.
2. the Trunz plant incl. the necessary accessories will be sent to Honiara by air freight in the coming weeks
3. the goal is to have the plant in operation at the beginning of May