Aid Project


The Project goes on –  in Papua Neuguina. Hanging around and waiting won’t help at all.
The Buka Hospital on Bougainville gets a Trunz TWM1 unit.

October 2018 

The Projekt isn’t over at all – aktually I’m in contact with some of the huge Aid Organisations, for getting a Trunz unit for the National Referrell Hospital (NRH) in Honiara – the way won’t be easy, but with good arguments and lots of help there might be a chance.

October 2018

Kilu’ufi Hospital now has a solar power center due to a donation that provides continuous power to the TWM as well as the pharmacy and parts of the hospital. Times are past,  with electricity and as a result failures of the TWM. The Pharmacy are now also able to produce orally administered drugs themselves.

September 2017

After another successful installation of a Trunz TWM1 at Kilu’ufi Hospital on Malaita, the project will be deepened.

To establish local support, local technicians/electricians are already being trained by a Swiss Trunz technician. But, now the big BUT, these people need to be paid a wage for at least the first year. which the Solomon Island Government does not want to pay. Also habe ich mir überlegt, dies mit einer Patenschaft zu initiieren. The first year is paid by a sponsor to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment. In this way, the government can be convinced that it is worth paying the technicians a salary. Otherwise, everything that the project ( and I) could achieve would be ruined.

Generally since 2015

Triggered by global climate change, there is a major drought in the north of the Solomon Islands. Because of this and the extreme lack of Water I’ve started the drinkwater project for Gizo and Munda. I want to help the people getting access to clean drinking water.

Thanks to generous benefactors, the project was realized in August 2015.

With the help of Dr. Des Soares, who is a consultant orthopedic surgeon in Brisbane, Australia, and trains orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists in the Solomon Islands, key players at Gizo Hospital were contacted.

In October and late November 2015, John Nell – Trunz Australia – conducted all the necessary water analyses of existing well boreholes and the water supply available at Gizo Hospital, checked the structural conditions and more.

The drinking water project continues!

Nach dem erfreulichen und rundweg positiven Abschluss des Pilotprojekts am Gizo Hospital geht das Trinkwasserprojet Solomon Islands weiter. With the pilot project at the Gizo Hopsital, I was able to show how important it is to provide the population with a drinking water system that is simple to operate but very efficient. The drinking water facility at Gizo Hospital is being used actively, and diarrheal diseases have already decreased.

Read here the key points on how to proceed – the latest information is always at the top.

October 2016

The Swiss Embassy in Canberra has reviewed my project and financial plan and found that it is worth supporting the project from the Embassy side. A budget in the amount of the financial plan was approved – I immediately thanked them on behalf of the population!

In December I will meet Ambassador Yasmin Chatila Zwahlen in Switzerland to personally introduce myself and the drinking water project on the Solomons Islands.

September 2016

Thanks to Dr. Des Soares’ contacts in the Solomon Islands, the closest hospital to be considered for a TWM1 facility was identified. The third largest hospital with 150 beds in the Solomon Islands – Kilu’ufi Hospital on Malaita, was selected for this purpose.

I was allowed to send a project and financial plan to the Swiss Embassy in Canberra – and now I hope that the Embassy will grant a budget for the project.

August 2016

On 17.08.2016 a meeting will be held in the company Trunz Water Systems. Participants will be Mrs. A. Trunz, Mr. J. Nell (Trunz Australia) and Petra Breiting. The meeting is about planning the next steps for the installation of a Trunz drinking water system in another hospital in the Solomon Islands.

The current situation on 01.12.2015:

The local situation shows that a Trunz unit could be set and installed at Gizo Hospital

There are 2 possibilities Trunz Wall Mounted System TWM or Trunz Brackish Box Trunz Brackish Box or  a combination of both

John Nell from Trunz Australia is waiting for the test resultes of several water samples

January 2016

On 6/1/2016, in response to my inquiry, John Nell informed me that the Trunz Wall Mounted System can be installed at Gizo Hospital as the primary installation.
The Trunz Brackish Box will have to be installed at a later date due to the rather high initial cost.

April 2016

The drinkwater project is still a good progress. The deadline set by the Ministry of Helath, Dr. Des. Soares and  John Nell (Trunz) for the installion of the Trunz unit in April /May couldbe held

Juli 2016

The Trunz unit at  Gizo Hospital is already working. Same forvthe Trunz unit on Munda.

June 2016

The TWM1units for Gizo and Munda are in Honiara and ready for shipment. John Nell from Trunz Australia will fly to  nach Gizo and Munda , installing the TWM1 units.