Petra Breiting

I am a registered nurse and dipl. Operating Room Specialist. After completing my postgraduate studies in business management at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Gallen and graduating with an Executive MBA, I left the OR field in 2008 and switched to IT. In Bern, I was involved in the Clinical Information System project. I have been working in clinical applications in a hospital company from 2010-2022. Since January 2023 I am retired.

During my time in the OR, I organized and led courses for OR staff in Switzerland and abroad as an instructor for AO International. From 1999-2000 I was the first AO International – ALUMNI ORP President.

What is my reference to the Solomon Islands?

In March/April 2000, I was an instructor for the first time at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara. Thanks to Dr. Hermann Oberli, who founded the South Pacific Project, I came to the Solomon Islands in the first place. Driven by my idealism, I wanted to finally pass on all my knowledge about my profession – without claiming gratitude or anything else.

What I then experienced in the almost 2 months was overwhelming for me. I never thought that my improvisation talent “with nothing in hand” would bring so much. My professional expertise was solicited by the hospital staff with a never-ending wish list of knowledge. During that time, Swiss television was also in Honiara. The editorial office “Dok” had decided to accompany a Swiss doctor to Honiara and to report about his mission in Honiara. So it happened that am also seen in the post.

Photos: I explain the principle of an interfragmentary lag screw on an APPLE (all photos copyright SRF2).

To this day, I support Dr. Oberli with his South Pacific project – however, he does not have a drinking water project.

I started this myself, independent of any organization or association.