Update Kilu’ufi Hospital

This week I’ve got really disturbing news from Kilu’ufi Hospital. A Japanese architect who’s actually there send me two comments on this Blog (thankfully he’d found my Blog):

Hi. I am now at Kilu’ufi Hospital. We are starting a project to build some new buildings for the hospital. I regret to inform that this wonderful water system is not working anymore. The electricity and the water pipes were cut some time ago. I regret to report that the solar power is now disconnected. The solar panel seems to be in good shape.  Is there any advice to utilize the solar power?

I’ve informed immedeately Des Soares by email and phone about these bad news. He was as suprised as I, because neither of us has got any word of Dr. Micky Olangi.

Now I’ll get really busy getting everybody  involved, who could give a helping hand, getting everything back into operation. Of course I’ve already contacted the architect by e-mail today.

November 2017

Finally – I am on the Solomons and my first visit takes me to Kilu’ufi Hospital.

Dr.Micky Olangi greated me at the Airport and we went straight to the Hospital. Micky introduced me to Nixon the Head Infection Control. At Nixon’s Office I’ve handed over all the items for making soap out of used soap bars as I’ve promised to bring along.

With the Trunz TWM1 Kilu’ufi pharmacist is now able preparing oral appplicated solutions. Have a look at the photos.

More details when I’ll be back home.