Dinner at the Swiss Embassy

The Swiss Ambassadors HE Mrs. Yasmine Chatila Zwahlen and HE Mr. Pedro Zwahlen had invited me to dinner at the Embassy Residence in Canberra. They wanted to know more about me and the drinking water project. After all, the embassy had donated the Trunz facility for the Kilu’ufi Hospital.

Other guests were Councellor Helen Beck from the Solomon Islands and Dr. Des Soares, who together with Dr. Oberli trains doctors in the Solomon Islands and the South Pacific.

Helen Beck and I described the situation in the Solomon Islands together, so it was not a one-sided report from me.

I attached great importance to the Ambassador couple’s awareness that Kilu’ufi Hospital urgently needs a Solar Power Center. Why? The Hospital Director refuses to repair the two defective generators!!! He thinks it doesn’t need the generators. BUT, if the power goes out, the trunz system goes out too!!!

So now I really hope that the Swiss Embassy will donate the urgently needed Solar Power Center.