Today the meeting with the UNDP team ” United Nations Development Assistance Program” took place.
The team was very interested in my report about Kilu’ufi Hospital and the current situation there. Together with the PowerPoint presentation and photos I sent in advance, it was realized: The hospital urgently needs support.
Next, I described the situation at NRH to the General Hospital in Honiara. They are in urgent need of clean drinking water, as once again a warning has been published about diarrheal diseases. In addition, there has been talk for years that a new hospital should be built. That will take at least another 10 years. You can’t wait that long….
My instructions for making soap from used bars of soap initially caused great astonishment, then great interest. Once again I could show that improvisation is worth more than anything else….
What surprised me a lot was my fictitious business plan that I had written in 2007 as part of my EMBA studies. It is about the fight against malaria with a real product from the USA.
Luckily I had the USB stick with the PDF’s with me. The team was surprised that there is something that has already proven itself.
You want to contact the company in USA.
On 22/23/11/2017, the UNDP International Conference will be held in Honiara, with Ronny Graul, the Swiss Trunz technician, attending.
I will get an update from him.