Preparations visit Solomon Islands

Like last year, my preparations for the visit to the Solomon Islands are in full swing.

I will visit Kilu’ufi Hospital, Gizo Hospital and Helene Goldie Hospital. My main concern is to be able to perceive the sustainability of the drinking water project on site. Is everything really as it should be?

What is certain is that at Kilu’ufi Hospital I am to train the staff in making soap from used soap. Dr. Olangi read my blog and urged. Because skin disinfectants are just hardly available.

At Gizo Hospital, I meet Chris Leve, Head Infection Contol, who has just completed advanced training in Japan. Since last year in the fire from the old hospital all the utensils for soap making burned, I have to see if new material has been purchased in the meantime.

At the Helena Goldie Hospital I meet the Swiss doctor couple Ruckstuhl. The two have been on site since August.

In Honiara I meet Gloria Suluia from UNDP (UN Development Program). It is keenly interested in the project, especially since UNDP has purchased brackish water treatment plants from Trunz.

Back in Australia, there will be a dinner at the Swiss Embassy in Canberra on 08.11.17 so that Ambassador Yasmine Chatila Zwahlen and I can finally meet in person. For this, I am preparing a presentation in advance about the situation in the Solomon Islands, because so far she has not been there.

During my stay in the Solomon Islands, this blog will be updated almost daily – provided I have internet access….