Trunz Water Systems AG Switzerland

The company Trunz Water Systems AG from Steinach /SG has developed a technology that makes it possible to filter clean drinking water from salt water, brackish water or even well water. Trunz Water Systems AG has developed the appropriate solar technology to be able to use this system worldwide, i.e. in areas affected by natural disasters, in areas where UN troops are deployed, or in areas with water shortage. The devices are mostly independent of electricity or diesel generators

Information about Trunz Water Systems AG

In these photos (by John Nell, Trunz Sustainable Water Systems Australia) from Fiji, a “survival kit” can be seen. This device, no bigger than a suitcase and equipped with a solar panel, filters salt water into drinking water. Various civil defense and relief organizations have this device in use.

Information about the Brackish Water System of Trunz Water Systems AG