Gizo Hospital – Update


Due to the fact that all reserve material to the TWM1 was burned in the fire, the Swiss Trunz technician installing the equipment at Kilu’ufi Hospital takes all material from Switzerland. he will work with a technician from Auki (Malaita) to re-commission the plant, train the staff and introduce the local technician as the local contact. This will ensure local support.


Today I received a very encouraging email from Chris Leve, the Head Infection Control at Gizo Hospital.

Chris writes that the drinking water facility is fully utilized by patients and staff. Diarrheal diseases have decreased, which is certainly related to the clean drinking water.

Less pleasant is that the fire of the old hospital destroyed everything – the old buildings, in which were the administration, Chris office, and the hospital pharmacy – all burned down completely. there is nothing left except a few pieces of sheet metal – that is bitter!

All documents relating to Infection Control, whether electronic or paper, have been destroyed. Chris has started to recreate everything – a huge mosaic needs to be put back together.



Since Saturday, 09 July 2016, Gizo Hospital has a functioning Trunz drinking water system. The joy about this is immeasurable in the hospital and on Gizo.

Here are a few impressions of the plant:

Details on how the system works can be found here: TWM_001 and here: E_Facts TWM 001 Whereby it must be noted that the system initially works WITHOUT solar panel. That would have exceeded the donation’s budget.

I thank everyone who believed in me and the project. I would like to thank the patrons, without whose donations the project could not have been realized.

AND – I thank John Nell, Andrea Trunz and the staff at Gizo Hospital for their tireless efforts and support to make this project a reality.

We are now able to continue with the project on the Solomon Islands and, thanks to further donations, install drinking water systems in hospitals.

If you would like to know more about the other planned drinking water projects in the Solomon Islands and about possible donations, please contact Petra Breiting – the author of this blog – by mail:

Soraya Pina Hospital Secretary Gizo Hospital has written that they are very proud to be the only hospital in the Solomon Islands with the Trunz facility.

Original text:“It makes us proud because we the only hospital in the country that has it, See attached photo of the taps”.


The St. Galler Tagblatt has published an article about the drinking water project read more here in the St. Galler Tagblatt