Gizo Hospital Update

On 12.1.16 I had my conversation with Dr. Gegory Jilini regarding the drinking water project.

He is still very fond of the fact that there are private donors for the drinking water plant. He sees this as a great help for the population and, of course, the patients.

What surprised me a lot is the fact that the old hospital is still in operation. The Wards are totally dilapidated, run down, basically unusable.

The reason is that when the new hospital was built, the administrative area was not taken into account.

Doctors and nurses pointed out to me that there are no toilets and showers for outpatients in the area of the entire first floor where the emergency room, laboratory, outpatient departments and the X-ray department are located. These rooms are located on the top floor. Currently, there is a severe epidemic of diarrhea here on Gizo – and if the patients have to walk through the entire hospital to the toilet and shower – it is only a short transmission path to “healthy” people. Although the epidemic is on the wane, action is still needed.

Anyway, Dr. Jilini will discuss with John Nell the details for the installation so we can move forward with the project. And so, of course, further diarrhea can be prevented.

In addition, Dr. Jilini is reassured that I will inform Koji Yamaguchi at the Japanese Embassy on 1/20/16 about the project, after all, the Japanese government would have built the new hospital.

On 13.01.2016 Dr. Jilini informed the cadre staff in Gizo Hospital about the installation of Trunz – TWM1 – system. Everyone is relieved that relief is coming soon.

As already reported in the amount to the conversation in the Japanese Embassy, Koji Yamaguchi wants Chris Leve to work in the Grass-Root project.

Chris has the first conversation with Koji Yamaguchi in Honiara at the Japanese Embassy on Jan. 26, 2016.

Gregory Jilini is delighted that an employee of “his” hospital has been appointed.

On 3/14/2016, I received an e-mail from Chris Leve reporting that he personally submitted a plan to the Japanese Embassy for the restrooms and showers in the emergency area. The toilets are installed. Finally, a ray of hope for hospital staff and especially for outpatients.

Remember my roundup email where I tell you Chris and I made soap? Chris reports in his mail that they now make the soap for the hospital and the patients themselves – that makes me very happy. Another small success in infection prophylaxis.

I sent Chris Leve an e-mail with the project plan and project schedule, as there are some tasks in it for him. Precisely because he has now completed further training in infection prophylaxis and hospital hygiene at the Ministry of Health in Honaira, he can apply this know-how in the preparations for the Trunz drinking water plant.


Read the info on “The countdown is on”. This gives you a quick overview of the progress. According to John Nell of Trunz Water Systems AG, installation and commissioning of the TWM1 is scheduled to take place during the 2nd week of July.