Drinking water project at Gizo Hospital

This mission, just like the 2014 one, is primarily titled “Humanitarian Mission”, but the focus is on a drinking water facility for the hospital on Gizo. This includes teaching and coaching for hospital staff. Staff must be able to operate the drinking water system and train residents of Gizo and surrounding islands in its proper use. It is of no use if totally dirty liquid containers are brought along so that the clean drinking water can be filled into them…, it must be conveyed that these containers must be cleaned.

John Nell sent an email stating that a large brackish water (TBB) filtration system is certainly needed, see the PDF in the Trunz post. Independently of this, the primarily intended device TWM1 can already be installed from the donated money. For this purpose, a water pipe must be laid from the old kitchen at the hospital to the water supply of the new hospital.

The important thing now is that the water available for this system can be used from the analyses. Salty water cannot be filtered with the unit. It should be avoided that the device does not work properly and in the worst case breaks.

It should also be noted that this is the start of a pilot project, the success of which depends largely on the installation of further equipment on the Solomon Islands.

As soon as enough money is available for the brackish water system, work can begin to convert the water supply of Gizo and the hospital to the Trunz brackish water system.

The first installed device (TWM1) then serves as a backup.

For this reason, I will be having a conversation with John Nell in Sydney on 1/25/16. Once all ambiguities and possible risks have been cleared up, the device can be shipped by air freight from the Trunz company in Steinach/SG.

English is a foreign language, so all instructions should be translated from English into Pidgin English – this will ensure that there are no misunderstandings.